Wednesday 22 June 2011

Tweeting, Hashtagging and Friday Follows

If you had said to me six months ago that I would be tweeting and hash tagging on a regular basis, I would have given you a strange look to say the least.   But these activities are common place in the wonderful world of Twitter.

It was fairly daunting, to say the least, to get started as it does feel like a different language.  But once you work out who to follow, what your areas of interest are then very quickly you can join a community of people and organisations with whom you have things in common.

With our new iPhone app Legacy Organiser, we are very interested in connecting with parent groups, women in technology, the digital estate movement and organisations who deal with funerals and death.  Very quickly, Twitter enables you to become a member of all these communities and to keep up to date on all current issues.

A friend of mine likened it to being in a "very friendly pub with other people talking about things you are interested in and you keep overheading snippets of conversation".  That said, it is quite hard to keep up with the string of consiousness even though I am currently only following 98 people!  Whilst I have been writing this there have been 14 new tweets on my profile page.  Most people follow at least a few hundred, and I have no idea how those following thousands of other Twitter users keep up with all the Tweets.
I am still learning how to tweet - to put down in 140 characters or less what is interesting and relevent to people following me.  This takes a while to get a hang of and I am still learning.....

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